Raph Shapiro Performs a chilling and calming song of “John Brown.”
Base Camp sends much love and appreciation to Raph “Odell” Odell Shapiro for performing live at our hostel. A singer and songwriter from the east end of Long Island, NY, Raph now wanders the countryside playing his guitar with his sweet dog Joni.
He’s a lifelong performer with a history of Shakespeare and rhythm tap dancing in his past. We had the honor of having Raph play a set for our hostel guests, often including them in the singing, telling stories on how he writes and the craft of his songwriting.
Some of his songs were inspired by close friends and his journeys throughout Alaska. To listen to Raph’s Americana rhythms both solo and with his trio band, Odell Fox, visit: https://odellmusic.bandcamp.com/ or find him on Spotify!
Here’s a video of Raph performing live at our hostel (Base Camp Anchorage Hostel).
Raph Shapiro Performs at Base Camp Anchorage Hostel
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Give our other articles a read. We are lucky and fortunate to attract some really great talent to our hostel.
Diana Z Performs at Base Camp Anchorage Hostel