Our new Float Tank at Base Camp Anchorage Hostel

Have a Relaxing Float Tank experience in Anchorage

Base Camp Anchorage Hostel is excited to offer sensory deprivation float tank sessions for hostel guests and our Anchorage community.

Why Float?

Imagine a space where you are floating weightless and effortlessly.  Immersing your body in 1000 lbs of epsom salt and water removes all forces of gravity on your musculoskeletal system.  A float tank also reduces sensory stimulation on your mind helping you relax and disconnect from the everyday stresses of life.  The combination of epsom salts and reduced sensory stimulation on the mind has other benefits to health and well-being including:

  • Enhanced meditation (theta wave)  

  • Muscle relaxation and healing from injuries

  • Improved sleep

  • Pain management 

  • Decreased stress

Want to learn more about the benefits of Floating?  Loch Kelly, a famous licensed psychotherapist and meditation teacher was invited to experience a float session.  Read his full experience in this article “Can Sensory Deprivation Tanks Help Your Practice? An Unscientific Experiment.”

How Does It Work?

Your body is immersed in epsom salt and warm shallow water.  Our Float Tank is both light and sound-proof; but if desired our pod also comes equipped with enhanced mood-lighting and music.


A Full Float Tank Anchorage Session Includes

  • 60 minutes in our Float Tank 

  • Use of a bathrobe, organic soap, towels, Flip-flops, and earplugs

$ 55 USD per Float Session (1 Hour)


$ 250 for a package of 5 Float Sessions ($50 per Float).      

$450 for 10 Float Sessions ($45 per Float).    

To book a Float Tank session email us at basecampanchorage@gmail.com 

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